- “Supreme Court Upholds Public Camping Laws: Implications for Vehicle Residency and Homelessness”Supreme Court Upholds Public Camping Laws: Implications for Vehicle Residency and Homelessness READ THE DECISION The Supreme Court decision in City of Grants Pass v. Johnson upholds that enforcing laws against public camping, potentially including those living in vehicles on public property, does not violate the Eighth Amendment’s prohibition of “cruel and unusual punishment. In… Read more: “Supreme Court Upholds Public Camping Laws: Implications for Vehicle Residency and Homelessness”
- URGENT CALL TO ACTION for Colorado Vehicle Residents and AlliesYour Voice Matters! Public Hearing on Proposed Vehicle Removal Ordinance. Date: Tuesday, Nov. 7 Time: 1 p.m. MT Location Options: In Person: In-Person Comment Registration: https://boco.org/InPerson-Ord2023-3 Online via Zoom: Virtual Attendee Link: https://boco.org/BOCC-Ord2023-3 REGISTRATION REQUIRED By Phone: Call-in information: 1-833-568-8864, Webinar ID: 160 129 7984 Boulder County is on the brink of significant changes with… Read more: URGENT CALL TO ACTION for Colorado Vehicle Residents and Allies
- **Call-to-Action** Help Maui Vehicle ResidentsAs you know, the island of Maui has experienced devastating loss of land, property, and lives due to recent catastrophic fires. Many people are now displaced and living in their cars. This has placed pressure on the already scare support and resources available to this community. The Mayor or Maui has even stated that those living… Read more: **Call-to-Action** Help Maui Vehicle Residents
- **Call-to-Action** Help stop POVERTY TOWS in Denver, CO!The following is a RAPID RESPONSE Call-to-Action to help our friends and allies at the ACLU in Denver (CO). DENVER CITY COUNCIL: VOTE NO ON POVERTY TOWS Many Denverites park their cars on city streets. They rely on their cars to get to work, to get to school, to get to medical appointments and more. But not… Read more: **Call-to-Action** Help stop POVERTY TOWS in Denver, CO!
- **Call-to-Action** How would an ‘Oversized Vehicle Ordinance’ that restricts coastal access affect you?The following is a RAPID RESPONSE Call-to-Action to help our friends and allies in Santa Cruz (CA). Vehicle residents in SC are facing an upcoming vote to establish an ‘Oversized Vehicle Ordinance’ (OVO) that would restrict people from parking larger vehicles near the coast. Please read the below request from Reggie at Santa Cruz Cares and consider… Read more: **Call-to-Action** How would an ‘Oversized Vehicle Ordinance’ that restricts coastal access affect you?