Watch Recordings of the 2022 Summit…

TimeSession (Day 1, Friday, Nov. 18)

10am PT /1pm ET
Welcome to the Summit! 
Why are we here? This plenary provides an overview of the National Vehicle Residency Collective, the Summit, and our sessions.
– Plenary speakers Bob Wells, Dee Powers, Tristia Bauman, and Graham Pruss.
11am PT /2pm ETA Recent History of Vehicle Residency in the US
Who are vehicle residents? What are vehicle residents’ history of unsettlement and structural violence? – Graham J. Pruss, PhD
12pm PT /3pm ETUnderstanding Parking Programs
What are vehicle residency parking programs? How do they work? What are their barriers? – William Sweeney, Graham Pruss

What are Poverty Tows and How to Fight ThemTristia Bauman
1pm PT /4pm ETBuilding Support for Parking Programs
How to build community support and political will for parking programs. – Karina O’Malley, Rev. Ben A. David Hensley, Beverly Scow, Chris Wilkerson

Criminalization of Vehicle Residency
What are the legal rights of vehicle residents? What laws and policies can protect vehicle residents’ liberty and property? – Tristia Bauman
2pm PT/5pm ETState and Federal Policies Affecting Vehicle Residents
What policies exist that benefit or harm vehicle residents? What policies should be changed or enacted? – Tristia Bauman
Day 1 session schedule, Fri. Nov. 18, 2022
TimeSession (Day 2, Saturday, Nov. 19)

10am PT /1pm ET
Welcome to Day 2 of the Summit!
Review key takeaways from Day 1, overview of Day 2 presentations and moderated discussions, call to join the National Vehicle Residency Collective and develop the Collective for 2023! – NVRS Coordinators
11am PT /2pm ETHow to Live and Thrive in Your Vehicle
Where to park? How to access and use public services? How to meet basic needs? – moderated by Phyllis Bickford

Conversation Track: Continued discussion of criminalization of vehicle residency – moderated by Tristia Bauman
12pm PT /3pm ETRaising Positive Public Awareness of Vehicle Residency
Collaborate on new ways to improve public awareness. – moderated by Suanne Carlson

Vehicle Residency and Housing First
How to navigate Housing First framing as a parking program – William Sweeney

Discussion: Issues Affecting Female-Presenting Vehicle Residents. – Tristia Bauman
1pm PT /4pm ETClosure of Public Lands and Overnight Parking Spaces
Come learn why are our public lands are closing and how to help stop it. – Jaime Restorff and Jake Hoster

Discussion Track: Continued discussion of federal and state policies – Tristia Bauman and William Sweeney

Vehicles as Housing, Housing as Vehicle
When can or might vehicles be permanent, i.e. long-term, residences? In legal, practical, spiritual terms. – Tim McCormick
2pm PT/5pm ETClosing Plenary Session: Moving Forward – NVRS Coordinators
Day 2 session schedule, Sat. Nov. 19, 2022