The National Vehicle Residency Collective (“NVRC”) is a network of vehicle residents, social service providers, and legal experts joining together to support people living in their vehicles. Our goal is to honor and value the voices of vehicle residents, support their policy and service goals, and protect their legal rights. We believe that a key component of this work is to raise positive public awareness about people living in vehicles and vehicle residency.


The National Vehicle Residency Collective advocates for the civil, property, and human rights of people who live in vehicles. We unite a diverse community of vehicle residents, service providers, policymakers, allies, legal experts, and researchers to support healthy communities, social inclusion, free movement, legal representation, and infrastructure for all vehicle residents across the United States.


The NVRC envisions a society where vehicle residents are free from discrimination based on their housing. Our vision includes equitable access to healthcare, civic infrastructure, and public services for vehicle residents. Our vision encompasses a cultural shift towards inclusivity and diversity, recognizing the unique contributions of vehicle residents and supporting them as equal members of society, and values every individual’s right to choose their form of residence, including their right to claim vehicle residency as housing. We envision a society dedicated to maintaining, preserving, and nurturing communities. We promote environmental stewardship as a core tenet of vehicle residency.

1. Community Integration Vision: “We envision a future where vehicle residents are integral and respected members of the community, contributing to local economies and social fabric, with their lifestyle acknowledged as a valid and dignified form of residence.”

2. Equal Access Vision: “Our vision is a society where vehicle residents have equitable access to healthcare, civic infrastructure, and public services, regardless of their physical location, fostering a community that thrives on inclusivity and diversity.”

3. Rights and Representation Vision: “We see a world where the rights of vehicle residents are protected and advocated for, ensuring fair representation and participation in the systems and services that shape our society.”

4. Cultural Shift Vision: “Our vision is to lead a cultural shift that recognizes vehicle residency as an innovative housing option, promoting understanding and appreciation of the diversity within the vehicle resident community.”

5. Environmental Stewardship Vision: “We aim to establish a culture of vehicle residency that is synonymous with environmental stewardship, advocating for Leave No Trace principles and demonstrating the potential for a lower carbon footprint lifestyle.”

6. Social Contract Vision: “We envision a balanced social contract where society recognizes and supports the unique contributions of vehicle residents, ensuring that they receive equitable benefits, rights, and opportunities as members of society.”

7. Inclusivity and Diversity Vision: “Our vision champions radical inclusivity, ensuring that the diverse needs and experiences of the vehicle resident community are represented and addressed, creating a society that values every individual’s right to a form of residence.”


1. Inclusivity: Embracing a diverse community of vehicle residents, ensuring that everyone, regardless of their background or circumstances, is included and respected.

2. Equity: Advocating for equitable rights and access to services for vehicle residents, challenging and changing societal norms that discriminate based on housing status.

3. Dignity: Upholding the dignity of every individual who lives in a vehicle.

4. Empowerment: Empowering vehicle residents by providing them with the information, resources, and support they need.

5. Awareness and Education: Raising awareness about the realities of vehicle residency, dispelling misconceptions, and educating the public and policymakers about the needs and contributions of vehicle residents.

6. Advocacy: Advocating for the rights of vehicle residents, including rights, civil liberties, and access to public spaces and services.

7. Community Engagement: Fostering a sense of community among vehicle residents and promoting their integration and contribution to the broader community.

8. Environmental Responsibility: Promoting sustainable living practices among vehicle residents, including environmental stewardship and a commitment to Leave No Trace principles.

9. Health and Well-being: Prioritizing the health needs of vehicle residents, ensuring access to healthcare, and supporting the community’s well-being.

10. Adaptability: Recognizing the adaptive potential of vehicle residency to economic and climate pressures and advocating for support of flexible housing solutions.

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